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Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists

New Zealand Director

Keith Miller

c/- Visique Greerton Optometrists

157 Chadwick Road

Tauranga 3112

Tel: 07 577 0113

Fax: 07 577 0706




Tel: 0800 BLENNZ (0800 253669)



Principal: Karen Stobbs

The Blind and Low Vision Education Network NZ (BLENNZ) is a school that is made up of a national network of educational services for children and young people who are blind, deafblind or have low vision in New Zealand. BLENNZ mission is to enable learners who are blind, deafblind or have low vision to reach their full potential, BLENNZ provides quality education and specialist teaching services in partnership with whānau, educators and the wider community. Enrolment and support from BLENNZ is for children with a documented eye condition that reduces their vision to around 6/18 or less or reduces their visual field, and which impacts on their learning and development. There is no cost to the family for BLENNZ support.

Blind Low Vision NZ (Formerly Blind Foundation)

Private Bag 9991


Auckland 1149

Tel: 0800 24 33 33



CEO: John Mulka

Blind Low Vision NZ provides people who are blind, deafblind or have low vision with the practical and emotional support to do the things they need and want to do, with self-reliance and confidence.

Our services support people to learn personalised rehabilitation skills for living in their home, accessing information and connecting with others using technology, techniques for getting around including guide dogs, employment support, counselling and connecting with others in the community.

Visit to make a referral.

cbm NZ

PO Box 303477


Auckland 0751

Tel: 0800 772 264

Fax: 09 447 3274



Contact (CEO): Dr Murray Sheard

cbm NZ is an international organisation dedicated to improving the quality of life of people who live in poverty with a disability. For over 100 years cbm has been a world leader in disability care and inclusion, working in partnership with local hospitals, clinics, schools and organisations of people with disabilities. cbm NZ works in eye care (cataracts and tropical eye diseases), orthopaedics, inclusive education, livelihoods, and community-based inclusive development and disaster responses. cbm works principally in the Pacific, South East Asia and Africa. Since 1966 cbm has performed over 12 million cataract surgeries in the world’s poorest communities.

Cornea & Contact Lens Society of NZ

PO Box 209

Nelson 7040

Tel: n/a



President: Eleisha Dudson

Vice President: Rasha Altaie

Immediate Past President: Roberta McIlraith

Treasurer: Richard Newson

Secretary: Stephanie Wallen

Councillors: Rasha Altaie, Adele Jefferies, James McKelvie, Akilesh Gokul, Samantha Simkin

Objects of the Society:

(a) To promote research, scholarship and the interchange of experiences in the fields of the anterior segment of the eye, and contact lenses;

(b) To take such measures and to make such representations as it may deem necessary in the interests of the public and the members, towards the advancement of contact lens practice and the management of conditions affecting the ocular surface and anterior segment of the eye.


Ordinary membership of the Society is open to anyone with a professional interest in corneas and /or contact lenses . The Society website has membership application forms for those interested.


A popular biennial conference is held, and a one day seminar on alternate years. Members are also periodically emailed newsletters.

Department of Ophthalmology

New Zealand National Eye Centre

University of Auckland

Building No. 504, Level 4

Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

Tel: 09 923 6712



Head of the Department:

Professor Charles NJ McGhee


The Department of Ophthalmology comprises the largest single ophthalmic research and teaching group in New Zealand. It has close relations with NZ National Eye Bank, Glaucoma New Zealand and the editorial office of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, which are all located within the department. It is a founding partner of the New Zealand National Eye Centre in conjunction with the School of Optometry and Vision Science.

The 70 plus member team includes a number of ophthalmologists, optometrists and laboratory scientists who pursue research on a variety of projects, particularly; computerised corneal topography, corneal transplantation, in vivo and in vitro confocal microscopy, aspects of refractive surgery, orthokeratology, ocular therapeutics, neuro-ophthalmology, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, ocular malignancy, ocular genetics, dry eye/tear film disorders, lens transparency, the cell biology of ocular healing and other aspects of translational vision research. Collaborative research has been established with vision research cluster groups within Auckland University, particularly the departments of Anatomy, Optometry and Vision Science, Physiology, and the School of Biological Sciences.

The Department has close ties with the Auckland District Health Board and all ophthalmologists in the team also have clinical contracts with Auckland Hospital. Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching is a major role of the department particularly in respect to medical, ophthalmology and optometry curricula. Postgraduate research degrees, including MSc, PhD and MD as well as courses towards a Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma can be pursued within the Department.

Foureyes Foundation

57 Rakau Road


Wellington 6021

Mobile: 021 938 269



Chairman: Ken Wilson

Secretary: Stephanie Hill

Trust Board: Renuka Rao, Grant Dabb, Ravi Dass

Glaucoma New Zealand (GNZ)

Department of Ophthalmology

The University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Victoria Street West

Auckland 1142

Tel: 09 373 8779 or 0800 452 826



Chairperson: Prof Helen Danesh-Meyer
General Manager: Pippa Martin

Board of Trustees: Dr Kassandra Chee, Dr Mark Donaldson, Dr Sam Kain, Dr Hannah Kersten

Glaucoma NZ is a non government funded registered charitable trust with the mission to eliminate blindness from glaucoma.

GNZ aims to:

• Enhance public awareness to reduce the incidence
and impact of vision loss due to glaucoma.

• Support and inform those with glaucoma.

• Educate eye health workers to assure high quality

• Facilitate research into glaucoma.

Macular Degeneration
New Zealand (MDNZ)

PO Box 137070


Auckland 1151

Tel: 09 307 2103
Tel: 0800 MACULA (0800 622 852)



Chairman: Henry Ford

General Manager: Sarah Berman

Trustees: John Adam, Chris Bradley, Steve Hayes, Ross Legh, Dr Ainsley Morris, John Mulka, James Rangihika, Dr David Worsley, Dr Joanne Sims

The aim of MDNZ is to reduce the impact and incidence of macular degeneration in New Zealand.

The Trust’s objectives are:

1. Awareness: To increase awareness of MD in the wider community of New Zealand.

2. Education: To provide accurate, specific, current and ongoing information about macular degeneration through education of the MD community, their carers and service providers.

3. Support: To enhance the quality of life of people with MD and the associated MD community, facilitating access to relevant support services.

4. Research: To support and pursue research into the causes, prevention and treatment of and possible cures for MD.

5. Representation: To advocate for access to evidence based treatments and advance the best interests of the entire MD community.

New Zealand Association of Optometrists (NZAO)

PO Box 51008


Wellington 5249

Tel: 04 473 2322



President: Callum Milburn

Vice-President: Hadyn Treanor

Past President: Rochelle van Eysden

Councillors: Wilson Sue, Renata Watene, Dr Hans Vellara, Inhae Park

New Zealand National Eye Bank

Department of Ophthalmology

Building No. 504, Level 4

Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

Freephone: 0800 373 7537

Tel: 09 373 7537

Fax: 09 373 7495


Clinical Director: Dr David Pendergrast

Business Manager: Ms Maria Fung

Clinical Manager: Dr Ngaire Pham

Scientific Director: Prof Charles McGhee

New Zealand National Eye Centre

University of Auckland

Building No. 504, Level 4

Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

Tel: 09 923 6712

Fax: 09 367 7173


Chief Administrator NZ-NEC:

Hutokshi Chinoy


Director NZ-NEC:

Professor Charles NJ McGhee


Deputy Directors NZ-NEC:

Professor Paul Donaldson


Professor Steven Dakis


The New Zealand National Eye Centre (NZ-NEC), launched on July 29, 2008, is the largest academic ophthalmic and vision research entity in New Zealand bringing together more than 120 clinicians, clinician-scientists and vision scientists working in the area of eye health, vision research and education in New Zealand. This unique centre has as its foundation members the University of Auckland Department of Ophthalmology and School of Optometry and Vision Science. Affiliated members include; other departments within the University associated with vision research; charitable organisations; national professional organisations; District Health Boards and private ophthalmic practices.

The primary goal of NZ-NEC is to eliminate preventable blindness and reduce visual impairment. NZ-NEC is recognised nationally and internationally as a vision research, clinical and teaching centre of excellence through innovation and collaboration. NZ-NEC members currently have research collaborations with universities and research organisations, nationally and internationally including: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, China, England, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden and the USA.

There are seven major foci for research; cornea and external eye disease; cataract and cataract surgery; optic nerve and glaucoma; retinal disease, visual perception; genetic eye disease and connexion biology. To date NZ-NEC members have more than 1,030 scientific publications, several textbooks and a number of international research patents and cumulatively have raised over $41 million in research funding. Postgraduate research degrees, including, MSc, PhD and MD as well as courses towards a Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma can be pursued via the NZ-NEC.

If you require more in-depth detail about specific research interests please refer to the NZ-NEC website or either Department of Ophthalmology or School of Optometry and Vision Science individual listings.

New Zealand Optical Wholesalers Association

Private Bag 14-935


Auckland 1741


President: Gary Edgar


Mob: 027 494 8096

Treasurer: Raewyn Long


Mobile: 027 205 7090

New Zealand Optometric Vision Research Foundation (NZOVRF)

c/- Andrew Black Optomestrists

7 Bay Road


Wellington 6022


Chair: Andrew Black

Secretary: Lara Tolich

Treasurer: Wilson Sue

New Zealand Paediatric Aphakic Contact Lens Bank

c/- Optometry Clinic

Ophthalmology Department

Greenlane Clinical Centre

Greenlane West


Private Bag 92189

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

Tel: 09 367 0000

Fax: 09 623 4608

Officer: Justin Mora - Chairman

Ophthalmology New Zealand (ONZ)

PO Box 78242
Grey Lynn
Auckland 1245



Executive Officer: Moira McInerney

Chair: Dr Dean Corbett

Secretary/Treasurer: Dr Sonya Bennett

Board members: Dr Michael Merriman, Dr Logan Mitchell, Dr Derrell Meyer

Ophthalmology New Zealand is the member body for ophthalmologists in New Zealand. We represent the interests of both ophthalmologists and their patients. Our mission is to advance patient care by ophthalmologists in New Zealand.

Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board

PO Box 9644

Wellington 6141

Tel: (04) 474 0705

Fax: (04) 474 0709



Registrar: Elmarie Stander

The Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board is established by statute as the Regulator of optometrists and dispensing opticians. Its principal purpose is to protect the health and safety of the public by providing for mechanisms to ensure that optometrists and dispensing opticians are competent and fit to practise their professions.

Retina NZ Inc

PO Box 7001

Hamilton East 3247

Tel: 0800 569 849 (0800 LOW VIZ) - Admin

Freephone: 0800 233 833 (Peer Support)



Retina NZ provides information and support to individuals (and their families) who have some type of vision loss. The common conditions are Macular Degeneration (AMD) and Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) but we also support all lesser known retinal conditions including Stargardts, Choroideremia, as well as sight loss from diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment and many others.

Retina NZ operates a telephone based peer support service - 0800 233 833, which operates 7 days a week. Our team of trained volunteers are not medically qualified, but they have experienced some form of vision loss and understand the challenges of daily living with reduced vision. They will listen with empathy and provide the caller with coping strategies or sources of further information. There is also a retina youth group for 18-35’s. Find them on Facebook at ‘retina youth’. Its a place where young people can support each other and discuss the unique issues that confront them, within the safety of a “closed group” environment.

Retina NZ is able to provide eye health professionals with a range of FREE publications that can be given out to patients who might benefit from our services. Publications include; ‘Where do you turn... when you’re losing your sight?’, ‘NZ Low Vision Handbook’ - Coping With Vision Loss, Amsler Grid (A5 card with instructions and info on the back), business cards with 0800 number and website details, as well as our new “Understanding” series of disease information booklets (RP, AMD, Cataracts, Retinal Detachment).

Our publications are available at no charge, although as a charity donations are always welcomed. We invite patients and eye professionals to become members of Retina NZ. Membership (annually) is $20 waged or $10 unwaged/retired. Corporate Membership for eye health professionals [or any other business entity] is $100 and comes with additional member benefits. Members receive our quarterly newsletter which is available in print, email or audio formats.

Retina NZ has an ongoing commitment to supporting scientific and medical research that leads to better outcomes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of retinal disorders. We are also supportive of other research that might lead to a practical benefit to kiwis living with a visual impairment. Because our research fund is relatively small, we typically fund summer-student research projects, however we have funded larger projects in the past. so if you have a research project that aligns with our objectives, please get in touch with an expression of interest, or download an application form from our website.

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists

c/- Secretary/ Treasurer

Dr Kenneth Chan

PO Box 12056

Thorndon 6144

Wellington, New Zealand

Phone: 04-4994940


Chair: Dr Peter Hadden

Immediate Past Chair: Dr Brian Kent-Smith

Secretary/Treasurer: Dr Kenneth Chan

QEC Chair: Dr Kenneth Chan

Director of Training: Dr Anne-Marie Yardley

RANZCO Councillors: Dr Peter Hadden, Rebecca Stack, Narme Deva

RANZCO Trainee Representatives: Samual Newlands

Chief Executive Officer: Dr David Andrews


94-98 Chalmers Street

Surry Hills

NSW 2010, Australia

School of Optometry and Vision Science University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

Tel: 09 923 6483



University Optometry Clinic at Grafton Campus

Tel: 09 923 9909

Fax: 09 373 7485


Head of School:

Dr Andrew Collins

BOptom, MSc, PhD, CertOcPharm


Clinic Director:

Dr Geraint Phillips

BSc, MCOptom, DCLP, OD, Cert Oc Pharm


Clinics Manager(s) - University of Auckland Clinics:

Clivenn Naepi

Email: clivenn.naepi

Snowvision Charitable Trust

PO Box 222

Mosgiel 9053

Tel: 021 489395


Trustees: Hamish Caithness and David Robinson

The Association of Dispensing Opticians of New Zealand Inc

PO Box 137

Morrinsville 3340

Tel: 07 824 1044



Administrator all enquiries: Hayley Bendall

President: Angela Mitchell

The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ

Private Bag 99909


Auckland 1149

Tel: 09 304 0524

Freephone: 0800 227 229



Chief Executive Officer: Audrey Aumua

Board Chair: Craig Fisher

The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ carries on the work of a legendary New Zealander, the late Professor Fred Hollows. Fred was an internationally acclaimed eye surgeon and social justice activist who championed the right of all people to high quality and affordable eye care.,/p>

The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ works in the Pacific where four out of five people who are blind don’t need to be; their condition is preventable or treatable. We restore sight to the needlessly blind and vision impaired, train local eye health specialists to provide eye care services in their own communities and work to strengthen local health systems to achieve access to quality eye care.

The Save Sight Society

c/ Dr Leo Sheck

Chair of the Save Sight Society

Department of Ophthalmology,

Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences,

University of Auckland,

Private Bag 92019,

Auckland 1142
New Zealand

Tel: 09 923 6245

Fax: 09 367 7173


Chairperson: Leo Sheck

Treasurer: Mark Raynel

Directors: David Dalziel, David Garland, Reuben Gordon,
Nicholas Johnston, Sam Kain, Charles McGhee,
Mary Jane Sime, Mo Ziaei

Visual Impairment Charitable Trust Aotearoa (VICTA)

c/- Weave Together, Dunedin Community House, 301 Moray Place

Dunedin 9016

Tel: 0800 20 66 20



Contact: Dr Lynley Hood

Trustees: Dr Kelechi Ogbuehi, Dr Mary Butler, Dr Lynley Hood, John Dean

VICTA is an energetic new charity established in 2013 to address the unmet needs of the growing number of New Zealanders with uncorrectable vision loss.

VOSO - Volunteer Ophthalmic Services Overseas

C/- Eye Doctors

PO Box 128-214


Auckland 1541



Chairperson: Dr Andrew Riley

Secretary: Kylie Dreaver

VOSO is a New Zealand Registered Charitable Trust that undertakes voluntary ophthalmic work overseas, mainly in the Pacific Islands.

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